Extra Credit: SIOP

  • Due Mar 30, 2013 at 11:59pm
  • Points 0
  • Questions 1
  • Available Feb 27, 2013 at 11:59pm - Mar 10, 2013 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None


Evaluate Professor Dancelot according to the SIOP Model.  Reference the SIOP Standards and explain how he could improve his instruction.  Give specific feedback with examples.  

SIOP Model: 

1. Lesson Preparation

2. Building Background

3. Comprehensible Input

4. Strategies

5. Interaction

6. Practice and Application

7. Lesson Delivery

8. Review and Assessment

Video: Mr. Dancelot


No one would really teach a dance class this way, would they? This video takes a humorous look at what can go wrong when a course's learning activities do not align with the intended outcomes and assessment. Although this is an exaggerated example, it reminds us to look at the courses we teach to see if any of the elements are out of alignment.

Response Guidelines:

1. State the component your are addressing.  

For example: 1. Lesson Preparation

2. Explain the SIOP Component you chose.  Include the following criteria; 

  • Why should Professor Dancelot incorporate this component into his lesson? (1pt.)
  • How should he incorporate the component into his lesson.  State the problem and provide a solution. (2pts.)
  • Reference the key features. (2pts.)

3. To earn full credit, post at minimum 4 SIOP Components.  

  • Each response is worth up to 5 points.  However, if you are uncertain about your response, you can post more.
  • Only 4 responses will be graded.  The best 4 will be selected. 

Create a space between responses. 

For Example: How to structure your responses:

1. Lesson Preparation

Written response explaining to Professor Dancelot how to improve his course according to Lesson Preparation.

4. Strategies

Written response explaining to Professor Dancelot how to improve his course according to Strategies.

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